Kindergarten Readiness Calendar


This calendar contains:

  • Ideas for fun things to do that will help your child get ready for school.
  • Kindergarten registration and other school information.
  • Books every child should hear before starting school.
  • Contact information for elementary schools and libraries in our community.

Important things to know:

All children are different and learn at their own pace. This calendar will help you plan activities that will help your child grow in the skills needed to start kindergarten. Children do better in school if they know more than just letters, numbers, colors, and shapes. They should have good social and physical skills and enjoy new things. Us the guide below as you work with your child to build those skills and get ready for kindergarten.

How to use the calendar:

The activities in this calendar are designed for 4- and 5-year-olds who will be starting kindergarten next year. They will keep your child busy and learning from September to August. Use this calendar as a guide for fun ideas but make up some of your own activities too. Be sure to include family members and friends. Have a wonderful year together getting ready for the big event - going to kindergarten!

Having fun is an important part of learning! Your child learns best when doing fun and interesting things with you!

This school readiness calendar was developed by United Way to help you and your child get ready for that special time - kindergarten!