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Boy Scouts of America, Cascade Pacific Council
Sharon Kuroda
1339 Commerce Avenue, Suite #114
Longview, WA 98632
W: (360) 423-6960
F: (360) 423-0914
Scouts offers a series of developmental programs for youth and families designed to strengthen the family, empower individuals and neighborhoods, develop youth self-sufficiency, and provide prevention focus. Youth develop self-esteem, basic skills and knowledge, literacy, leadership skills, ethical decision making, community service, occupational readiness and life long learning. Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturing and Exploring provide youth with adult mentors on a weekly basis who develop these strong attributes.
Children's Discovery Museum
Dawn Morgan
Mailing Address
Children's Discovery Museum
c/o Futcher Group
700 Lincoln Street Suite 200
Kelso, WA 98626
Physical Address: 1209 Commerce Avenue, Longview WA 98632
Facebook: @Childrensdiscoverymuseum360
Children’s Discovery Museum is a hands on, interactive museum right here in Cowlitz County. It started as a “pop-up” experience and with community and volunteer effort opened for regular hours at Three Rivers Mall in January 2017 for children and families to have a safe fun environment to engage in imaginative play, the arts, science, and culture and learn about the world around them. Favorite hands on exhibits include Farm to market, Safe on the water, Light shadows, Dance corner, Giant Lincoln Logs, Nature Niche, Wind tunnel, Harmonographs, Laser Challenge, Lego tables, Puppet theatre, book nook, and probably the biggest laughter and squealing generator our ping pong ball shower!
Children’s Justice and Advocacy Center
Charlie Gourde
214 N. Pacific Avenue
Kelso, WA 98626
W: (360) 353-3933
F: (360) 353-3498
CJAC is a program that provides advocacy, support, and forensic interviews for children who have disclosed physical and/or sexual abuse. In 2012 CJAC became its own 501 C3, allowing it to separate from the umbrella of the Emergency Support Shelter.
Community Caring Project
Kathy Griffin
P.O. Box 793
Kelso, WA 98626
A family resource center dedicated to promoting healthy parenting, strengthening families, providing information and education, and support to parents and families with children (emphasizing ages birth to age eight) with the ultimate goal of reducing child abuse and neglect.
Cowlitz County Child advocates
Jennifer Harley
1024 Broadway Avenue
Longview, WA 98632
W: (360) 414-5212
F: (360) 414-9281
The Cowlitz County Child Advocates (formerly CASA) program provides trained community volunteers to act as the guardian ad litem for a child that has become part of the dependency court system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. When Child Protective Service files a petition to initiate a child abuse (physical or sexual assault) or neglect case, they also file an appointment order for Cowlitz County Child Advocates. The primary purpose of Cowlitz County Shild Advocatesis to conduct an independent investigation and make recommendations to the court regarding the “best interests” of the child/children and assure that their needs are met and permanency achieved for them in a timely manner.
Community House of Broadway
Frank Morrison
1105 Broadway/ P.O. Box 403
Longview, WA 98632
P: (360) 425-8679
F: (360) 425-5949
The Community House on Broadway is a long-term Homeless Recovery Center which exists to provide emergency and transitional housing for homeless individuals and families; a minimum of nourishing meals, professional case management, innovative rehabilitation services; and a working conduit with existing social service agencies and spiritual support services within the community. The goal of the foregoing is to help homeless individuals and families return to housing and self-sufficient living.
Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Counties Legal Aid Program
Lori Bashor
1338 Commerce Avenue, Suite C
Longview, WA 98632
(360) 425-3430 x.206 / Fax (360) 425-2579
The Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Counties Legal Aid Program is a 501 (c) (3) corporation organized in 1999 and is supported by the volunteer efforts of local attorneys who provide free legal advice regarding civil matters to economically disadvantaged residents of Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties. Clients must be at or below 125% of the federal poverty guidelines to qualify for assistance. The program currently operates on a part-time basis. Our goal is to expand to a full-time program. The need is overwhelming but additional sources of revenue must be obtained in order to expand. The main funding source for CWLAP is a grant from the Legal Foundation of Washington.
Emergency Support Shelter
Sarah Hancock
304 Cowlitz Way/P.O. Box 877
Kelso, WA 98626
(360) 353-5777 x 15 / Fax (360) 425-3970
Emergency Support Shelter provides compassion, support and care for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault as well as other crimes. Services include: shelter, individual advocacy, support groups, a parenting program, children’s therapy, legal and medical advocacy, education groups, transitional housing, home visitations, and outreach to the community. Emergency Support Shelter’s mission is to end domestic violence and sexual assault and to provide education, safety and support to our community.
Ethnic Support Council
Bill Reade
311 Oak St.,
Kelso, WA 98626
(360) 636-2791 / Fax (360) 423-2208
The Ethnic Support Council office provides individual assistance to clients that allows them to access services otherwise unavailable to them due to a language barrier, “the agency also provides assistance to non-English speaking victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence.” Bilingual staff members assist clients with employment applications, interpreters for medical appointments and many other services. The program goal is to facilitate the self-sufficiency in individuals and to allow or aid other social service organizations to effectively assist their clients with limited English-speaking abilities. ESC also provides community education on issues related to diversity and cultural issues.
FISH of Cowlitz County
Bob Theriault
P.O. Box 135
Longview, WA 98632
(360) 423-1965
FISH of Cowlitz County is an all-volunteer nonprofit that helps people with financial emergencies. It works through churches to distribute food five days a week and FISH volunteers help people get other vital services. On an average day, a FISH church gives food to 102 people, and provides each one with enough food for nine meals. Hamburger and eggs, which FISH pays for, are always included. Each weekday afternoon a FISH volunteer helps people with a variety of emergencies — medications they can’t afford, overdue water bills, dental care, attire required for a new job, an eye exam and other services. FISH’s United Way grant supports FISH’s utility program, which helps families keep water and electricity turned on. The utility program also buys propane for heating and cooking. FISH of Cowlitz County was started in 1971, and it has never had an employee

Sarah Lile
1105D 15th Avenue
Longview, WA 98632
Hello Life provides peer mentorship, financial assistance for eating disorder recovery treatment for those who otherwise cannot afford it and education about body positivity and self-love to our community. Hello Life has provided more than 800 hours of peer mentoring services and has helped local individuals access eating disorder treatment by providing financial assistance for treatment services.
Life Works/ARC
Dave Hill
904 New York St.
Longview, WA 98632
Life Works has a thirty-five year history of building the capacity of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and supporting their families so that all can thrive in our community; have meaningful jobs, live in conventional homes, be involved in the things they enjoy in the community, and feel respected for who they are. Born from The Arc, the agency is now re-affiliated with the National Arc and bears the chapter name The Arc of Cowlitz County. Programs include group homes, supported living services, job skill development and placement, an AmeriCorps program, and Advocacy, family support, and children's services and recreational activities. The focus for the future is to increase the integration of all people into the day-to-day activities of our community.
Lower Columbia College Head Start Early Childhood Education Assistance Program
Mindy Leasure
1600 Maple, P.O. Box 3010
Longview, WA 98632
(360) 442-2802 / Fax (360) 442-2819
The Positive Behavioral Support Team (PBST) program promotes pro-social classroom behavior for 3-5 year old Head Start / ECEAP children in Cowlitz County. The program is also targeted to improve three protective factors; initiative, self-control, and attachment. A team of two specialists will provide proactive and immediate assistance in classrooms with children exhibiting challenging behaviors. PBST will also provide more intense, one-on-one mental health services for identified children. This program is in response to staff and parent need, as documented by staff and parent surveys where 67% of teachers and 60% of parents requested additional training and support regarding challenging behaviors.
Lower Columbia School Gardens
Oxford Houses
Kristy Pruett
Oxford Houses are self run, financially self supporting addiction recovery homes for those in recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. There is a zero tolerance policy for those that return to alcohol or drug use (i.e. the resident is immediately expelled).
Progress Center
Kara Harris
1600 – 3rd Avenue
Longview, WA 98632
(360) 425-9810
Progress Center serves our community’s youngest, most vulnerable citizens, children birth to three with developmental delay. Services of therapy and education are provided in family homes, at our center and at the Monticello Park Assisted Living Center. All our therapy and education services are designed to assist our young students and their families to develop skills to their highest potential.
Safe Kids
Sarah Hoskins
Longview Fire Department
(360) 442-5501
Safe Kids Lower Columbia is committed to helping keep children in Cowlitz & Wahkiakum Counties safe through prevention and education. Safe Kids Lower Columbia offers safety programs and education in Child Passenger Safety, Helmet Safety, Poison Prevention and Water Safety. In our local area, the misuse rate for car seats is currently at 89% while the national average is at 75%. Safe Kids provides a free monthly car seat clinic where car seats can be checked and inspected and you can receive help with installation by a Certified Passenger Safety Technician. In addition to the inspections, low income families are eligible to purchase car seats at a reduced rate (typically 75% off retail price). In addition to our car seat program, we also maintain life jacket loaner boards at area waterways including Willow Grove, County Line Park, Castle Rock Boat Dock, Horseshoe Lake and soon at South Pekin boat launch. These boards are kept well stocked during the summer for people to use while they are enjoying the water with friends and loved ones. Safe Kids also provides bike helmets at several safety events throughout the year including Safe Kids Day, Bud Clary P.A.C.E. program, National Night Out, as well as through different fire and police agencies in the area. For more information about upcoming events and programs that Safe Kids Lower Columbia offers, please look at our Facebook page at
St. James Family Center
Beth Hansen
1134 Columbia Street
Cathlament, WA 98612
(360) 795-8612 / Fax (360) 795-3077
St. James Family Center is a multi-service nonprofit agency which serves children, youth and families. United Way helps support several programs which nurture children and youth and strengthen individuals and families, including sliding scale infant/toddler care, preschool age child care, Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) and preschool, Youth Adventure Program and Family Support Services including home visiting, parent support groups, parenting education classes and crisis child care. Funds for Strengthening Individual and Families also help support The Charlotte House, an 8-bed domestic violence shelter that is part of the state-wide system and is accredited by the state as a Community Sexual Assault Program.
Volunteer Services
Tina McCully
1953 – 7th Avenue
Longview, WA 98632
(360) 577-2200 / Fax (360) 577-2205
Catholic Community Services is a program that recruits, trains and supports people who want to make a difference in the lives of others and in their communities. Volunteers (individuals and teams) work to help keep low-income clients in their homes with dignity and meaningful connections to their communities for as long as is safely possible. VCS server two groups of low-income adults who don’t qualify for other assistance and don’t have family or friends available to help: seniors (age 60 and over) and disabled adults (age 18 and over). Services include housework, yard work, transportation, shopping, monitoring and wood provision.
Woodland Action Center
736 Davidson Avenue
Woodland, WA 98674
(360) 225-9998 Tues & Thurs
Woodland Action is a non-profit community action organization that believes in providing basic needs first to individuals, then applying capacity building programs that increase future success. Woodland Action has been around for 16 years and they have increased the quality of life throughout their community by developing essential programs in distribution of food, personal hygiene, and household Items. Through a partnership with Housing Opportunities of SW Washington and the City of Woodland, Woodland Action provides emergency housing funding, rental assistance, and overnight emergency shelter options for residents. Another key program of Woodland Action is The Emergency Supply Program which meets the needs of those in our community who are most vulnerable through providing tents, tarps, sleeping bags, alternative cooking sources, gloves, hats, boots, coats, and clothes. In 2015, Woodland Action opened a Thrift Store that provides job skills training and job readiness to the community.
Janine Manney
P. O. Box 698
Longview, WA 98632
(360) 423-4770 / Fax (360) 423-4777
The YMCA’s mission is to develop building blocks for young people through our programs and activities that develop healthy and well-adjusted young people. Programs that we use are: Day Camp, Preschool, Youth and Teen Center, Swimming lessons (extended to Saturdays), Swim Team, Open Swim, and Youth Sports. We provide positive developmental experiences that surround youth with support, empowerment, boundaries and expectations, and opportunities for constructive use of time. To build a young person’s own self-worth we encourage education and positive core values (honesty, caring, respect and responsibility). Children have fun, grow personally and socially and become future leaders of our community. Call the YMCA direct to ask about additional camps that they provide!
Youth & Family Link
Corie Dow-Kramer
907 Douglas Street
Longview, WA 98632
(360) 423-6741 / Fax (360) 577-6510
Youth and Family Link provides a broad array of community-based services to children and families in Cowlitz County. Link programs include Outreach and Engagement, Afterschool Programs, Mentoring Programs, Parent Peer Support and Mentoring, Community Recreation. All Link services are available at no charge to low-income children and families of Cowlitz County.